FAIRBORN, OH – The Southern Ohio PGA is excited to announce that, as part of the Drive to ’25 Long Term Strategic Plan and in our drive to deliver exceptional member value, we have put together a lineup and keynote speaker that will truly move the needle forward. All Southern Ohio PGA Members and Associates are invited to attend the annual Spring Meeting as we kickoff the 2022 golf season Monday, April 11 at York Golf Club.
Click here to register on BlueGolf.
Check out more information below:
7:00 AM – Coffee and Registration
8:00 AM – Meeting Begins
10:00 AM – Trevor Ragan – Keynote Speaker
12:00 PM – Meeting Concludes and Lunch
1:00 PM – Meeting Pro-Pro Shotgun Start
5:30 PM – Scoring, Appetizers and Drinks
Registration Details
Attend Meeting Only – No Fee
Attend Meeting & Education – $25.00
Attend Meeting, Education & Play Golf – $125.00
Registration for all options will be completed through BlueGolf. Click here to register.
Keynote Speaker
Trevor Ragan is an industry leading learner, content creator and presenter who has worked with companies like Ferrari, Microsoft and Pepsi while also leading workshops with Team USA, the Cleveland Indians and UCLA Football. Trevor will do a deep dive on the Growth Mindset, making it fun, useful, and easy to understand and most importantly, applicable to you and your facility. Learn out more about Trevor by clicking here.
Post-Meeting Pro-Pro
Golf is supposed to be fun! We will host a two-person scramble following the meeting with players choosing their two-person team. After registration closes, each two-person team will also be blind drawn with another team creating a four-person team score using a Four-Ball Stroke Play (Best Ball) format.
Members playing in the Pro-Pro following are REQUIRED to attend the meeting.
MSR Credits
Members will earn one (1) MSR per hour attending the Spring Meeting. Four (4) credits are available for the meeting and education with two (2) credits available for playing in the golf tournament.
Special Awards
We will announce our 2022 Special Award winners at the upcoming Spring Meeting.
Dress Code
Coat & Tie is required for the Annual Spring Business Meeting. The locker room at York Golf Club will be available to use before the Pro-Pro Event.
Ann Furlong
(330) 606-6390
Neal Furlong
(330) 697-2040
Bushnell Golf
Ann Furlong
(330) 606-6390
Neal Furlong
(330) 697-2040
Precision Pro Golf
Jonah Mytro (Director of Revenue / Co-Founder)
C: 617.821.4013
P: 888.492.4120
Eric Cappos (Senior Account Manager)
P: 888.492.4120
*This page and the BlueGolf Information Page will continue to be updated with important details about the Spring Meeting as they are announced.